Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lista Pisserenna Sun Side DTL !

Enjoying myself ! these photos are taken by Sigurd Klippenberg. hes a blogger too ! check it out here !

thomas wessel is a good rider. he actually threw a Goiter later in the afternoon !

Markus turning. Pisserenna is a rocky spot. keeps the kiters away !

Jørgen throwing up some spray

The weather was warm for a change !

Sigurd going DTL

Julys been a really bad month for windsurfing as usual. However there was a really good windforecast for Lista this Saturday. Lista is a really good area for windsurfing, and its usually pretty consistent and strong winds there. luckily its only 2 and a half hours drive from my place,so its doable as a daytrip. in the summer the northwest wind there acts a little as the wind in Maui or pozo. it gets a thermal kick and geograpichal acceleration and a 15 knots forecast can turn into 4.7 sailing.

With a swell its Norways Cabo Verde and Lista can throw up Starboard tack sideshore point break, over mast high perfection !

Yeasterday a good crew showed up and enjoyed 4.2-4.7 sideshorewinds,and despite a bad swell forecast in the afternoon, the ocean actually started to produce some really fun 3 foot faces !